Former Bloomberg News Anchor and Journalist Mark Barton joins Great British Presenters

2nd May 2022

We’re delighted that Bloomsberg news correspondent Mark Barton has joined our illustrious team of broadcast journalists at Great British Presenters. 

News Broadcaster

Mark is one of the best-known anchors in global business television news. For 23 years he hosted flagship news shows for Bloomberg Television.

He was one of the founding journalists for the channel’s European operations in London in 1995 and played an integral role in establishing Bloomberg TV as the influential global business news network it is today.

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Mark has fronted for all of Bloomberg TV’s prime-time programmes, reporting on breaking news stories and uncovering some of the biggest global business, economic and geopolitical events of the past two decades, including six U.K. general elections, and six U.S. elections, the global financial crisis and Brexit.

He has conducted over 10,000 interviews with world leaders, finance ministers, central bankers and chief executives, including Bill Gates, Shimon Peres and Jean-Claude Trichet.

As a radio broadcaster, Mark presented “Daybreak Europe” on Bloomberg Radio, as well as financial market bulletins on NPR (U.S.), LBC Radio (U.K.), Jazz FM (U.K.) and Riviera Radio (France).

Hosting and Live Events

Mark is a popular host, moderator and speaker for a variety of conferences and events. He has hosted the World Media Awards and The AIBs and chaired panels on business, politics, sport and social issues. He joins a number of specialist business and corporate hosts on the Great British Presenters site.

As a media trainer, Mark has coached dozens of TV and print journalists on how to present and communicate effectively.

To see Mark Barton’s full bio click HERE.

Hire Mark Barton – Journalist and Broadcaster

To hire news anchor journalist Mark, contact us. Or call Jane Farnham at Great British Presenters on 01753 439 289

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