For a decade Hendrik has been specialising in multilingual product presentations with a focus on international and specialist trade shows. He has convinced audiences throughout Europe with his specialist in-depth knowledge as well as a compelling performance.
His extensive preparation in the run-up to the event and the fact that he develops all the presentations himself.
Hendrik specialises in product presentations and has worked at more than 140 trade shows and numerous business events presenting in German, English, Spanish and Dutch.
He develops a pitch with the client, which communicates the product as a solution. Whenever he is presenting, the audience believes Hendrik is an employee of the company with years of experience in the industry.
Hendrik fully understands the product he presents, even complex capital goods such as machinery. He presents without cue-cards or any other help and in an outstandingly authentic and convincing way. Even long-term customers of clients he works for, ask whether the new employee presenting belongs to the client’s marketing or sales department!
The target-audience feels that Hendrik knows what he is talking about, having understood their specific area of work and its related problems and he presents a solution that offers them positive advantages over current options.
Initially approached by clients in 2012, Hendrik now also trains employees such as product managers and salespeople in the effective communication of customer benefits with the help of product presentation techniques.
Hendrik lives in both Germany and Spain and works Europe-wide with large to middle-sized concerns.