Whether in German or English, whether at a kick-off event, trade fairs or conferences, German Corporate Presenter Christian has wowed audiences with his infectious, charming, and powerful personality for more than a quarter century.
Contact the UK’s leading presenter agent Great British Presenters today to book German speaking TV presenter and event host Christian for your next live or virtual event or call, +44 1753 439289
The founders of Great British Presenters, Jane and Steve have worked with Christian for 20 years, and can honestly say there’s no one else quite like him. Totally professional, he’ll have your audience enthralled from the start!
You only have to look at Christian’s client list below to see the names of some of the world’s premiere blue chip corporations that he’s worked with and just some of their comments to see what we mean.
He compels through his utterly positive energy, which enthrals his audience. He is meticulously prepared and has a finely tuned sense of timing, which makes him the perfect moderator for your business event. With over three thousand national and international TV, trade fair and gala performances under his belt, Christian has what it takes to guarantee the success of your event.
Whether as a motivator, entertainer, in technically demanding product presentations or at roundtable and professional gala events in front of international audiences, he offers a broad spectrum of moderate skills.
His maxim is to strengthen your enterprise and to motivate your employees by creating a creative atmosphere that generates new impulses and synergies.
The highlight: With his successful Hollywood-Success-Code®, Christian offers you a top-notch event with positive results for your business, your employees, and your team. If desired, he can offer events, workshops, and coaches in English.
Clients include, BASF, Accenture, ADAC, Amitech, ARD, Audi, AXA, Bayer, Berlin Chemie, Bertelsmann AG, Boehringer, Bosch, C&A, Carat, Carlson Wagonlit, CEBIT, Commerz Finanaz, Daihatsu, Dailmley Chrysler, Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa, Deutsche Telekom, Dresselhaus, Komori, Equate, Gerber Technology, Hettech, Hewlett Packard, IAA, IBC, IBM, NEC, Ikegami, Merck, Nestle, Nestle Waters, Nestle Professional, Novartis, Panasonic, Peacock, Philips, Roland Rechtsschutz, RTL, RWE, SAP, SAT1, Schwarzkopf /Henkel, Siemens, Sony, Suzuki, Tecis, Telecash, T-Mobile, T-Com, UEFA Champions League, Valliant, Vodafone, VW, & ZDF.
At the 10th of June (Kundenforum at the Lindner Hotel- BayArena-Leverkusen) Lloyds Register LRQA was impressed by the performance of Christian. He managed to prepare the speakers in a professional way and made the LRQA customers feel at home at the event. During the day he created a good atmosphere while linking all presentations together with humor and professionalism.
Christian, thank you for your truly professional, creative and persuading performance at IFA. We could enjoy excellent attendance at our IFA stand.
Looking forward to working with you in the future!
Christian is one of the best presenters of our company. We appreciate his efforts to attracting the audience for our products during the shows and are very satisfied with the results!
Professional, flexible , charming – I would characterize the spontaneous facilitation work of Christian Schramm . The overall presentation of our company in any event, the likeable appearance of the artist has perfectly rounded.
In spite of the technical contents of the show and thus the scenario, Mr. Schramm understood the product well and presented the topic in such a way that visitors to the stand could easily understand the merits of the product.
He even created some ad hoc elements to make the show more interesting as well as truly enjoyable.
His performance was highly appreciated not only by the audience but also by the NEC staff members.
In short, his mission well completed.
We look forward to working with him in the near future. In the meantime, we wish him all the best in his career.